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Hunger Relief Resources

Key Links


Washington State Department of Health

WSU Extension

King County Health Services (food worker cards)



Other organizations/topics

Meals Partnership Coalition

Summer meal planning

End Hunger in America website

Why Hunger website

Working With Farmers (2014): PowerPoint | Recording

Food Purchasing Guide (2016)

Site Monitor Self Prep Sheet

Food Bank Certification Course

The Food Bank Certification Course is a series of six videos supported by a workbook. The videos are interactive in how they interweave information with quizzes and opportunities for reflection. Grab a pen or pencil and be ready to write down your answers. While each video is around 30 minutes, be prepared to pause a video to give yourself more time to engage with the information.

You can access the videos by visiting the Food Bank Certification course on YouTube. You can watch individual videos by clicking on the links below. While you can watch them in any order, there are occasional references to information presented in prior videos.

Welcome (2:38)

Nonprofit essentials (32 minutes)

Food banking (22 minutes)

Volunteers (24 minutes)

Food safety (29 minutes)

Forms (32 minutes)

Download the workbook. Once you have completed the videos, take time to review your workbook before taking the exam. The exam will be sent to you on request. 

WFC Food Bank Resource Manuals

These popular manuals give you information and innovations designed to help you run your hunger relief program. They can be ordered by emailing WFC.

  • Best practices
  • Food Banking 101
  • Food Banking
  • Food Safety
  • Special Dietary Needs 

Good Samaritan Act Protections

This is a legal document laying out information about the Good Samaritan Act protects donors and what limitations it has. This is a great handout to share with donors and farmers. Click here to download this resource.

Food Safety & Food Security

WSDA Food Safety Program

USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline, Food safety questions? They have answers. 1-888-674-6854

Service Providers

Columbia Legal Services, nonprofit organization employing lawyers and legal workers who provide legal assistance to low-income and special needs people and organizations in Washington.

WithinReach, statewide organization providing resources for maternal, child, and family health. Operates several toll-free information and referral lines.

Washington Connection, online portal where clients can find out what services and benefits are available to their family.

Citrine Health, Citrine Health is a non-profit agency in Snohomish County that helps individuals and families apply for food assistance and state health insurance programs over the phone and in person.

Babblefish, listing of online language translators.

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